
KAM Redovisning AB ger oss en heltäckande tjänst inom området redovisning, personal och lön.  De anförtrodda ärendena genomförs med största noggrannhet och professionellt, vilket bidrar till hög kvalitet på deras utförande.  Beställningar förbereds tillförlitligt och i tid. Kontoret företräder oss även i alla formaliteter som rör Skatteverket.  Kontorsanställda kännetecknas av hög kompetens, stort engagemang för de arbetsuppgifter som utförs samt en hög personlig kultur. KAM Redovisning AB:s tjänster är värda att rekommendera till andra affärsenheter. Med gott samvete REKOMMENDERAR VI detta kontors tjänster.   HG Solutions Sp. Z.o.o Jarosław Łapkowski


In this letter, I would like to express my high regard for KAM Redovisning AB for our professional and broad-based cooperation in the scope of fiscal, accounting, HR, advisory, and administrative services. It is my greatest pleasure to recommend the assistance of KAM Redovisning AB.

Nafto Sp. z o.o. 

KAM Redovisning AB assists us with day-to-day accounting, HR, and payroll. The consultants of KAM Redovisning always demonstrate far-reaching dedication to their work and a high standard of service. Owing to that cooperation, we rest assured that the finances of our company are in good hands and we have no hesitancy in recommending KAM Redovisning to other business entities.


We have been working with KAM since 2018. The firm has always been extremely helpful in running our business, whether the matter at hand was taxes, regular reporting to Skatteverket, or Tax Free transborder issues. KAM helped us make a smooth transition to digital accounting and optimised our day-to-day bookkeeping. KAM consultants display immense dedication to their work and a high level of professional competence. The cooperation with KAM Redovisning is marked with professionalism and individual approach to the client. We jointly established procedures that now let us work faster and more efficiently. Basing on our experience and cooperation, we can definitely recommend KAM Redovisning as a reliable partner for comprehensive accounting services and business consulting.


The scope of services

We assist you during business launch and provide professional tax advisory services later on. Our employees received a thorough education in economics, completed many courses, and hold a vast array of certificates, which guarantees their extensive theoretical background in the field. We know the requirements of the authorities and inspection institutions inside out, which lets us efficiently handle the affairs of our clients.

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